KAUPOKALDA.COM PILDIPANK 5800 droonipilti arhitektuurist, linnadest ja maastikest

Blogi #dji

Spoiler alert - jah, saime! Olen fotograafina droonide maailmas tiirelnud varsti pea kümme aastat ning omanud erinevaid mudeleid väikestest kipakatest suurte droonideni. Selle aja jooksul on toimunud tohutu tehniline areng. Üks...

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Sattusin Booking.com lehele ja märkasin, et olen enesele märkamatult hakanud laias maailmas Tallinna hotellide nägu kujundama. Pildil on kenasti reas need hotellid, head kliendid, mida läbi mu droonipiltide pakutakse. Seega, kallid hotellid -...

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People are asking - how much less creatice (effective) flight time has Dji Inspire 1 with heavier Zenmuse X5 camera compared to older Zenmuse X3 camera? And should you buy smaller/cheaper TB47 or bigger/more expensive TB48 battery? The answer is:...

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Dji Inspire 1 Zenmuse X3 aerial camera (35mm equivalent is 20mm) has 94 ° diagonal Field of View (FOV). Zenmuse X5 default 15mm lens (eq. 30mm) is 72 ° . Optional Micro 4/3 lens Olympus Zuiko 12mm f2.0 (eq. 24mm) is 84 ° . See also camera...

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I collect here first photos and videos from great new Dji Zenmuse X5 gimbal camera. From guys like Romeo Durscher, Barry Blanchard, Philip Lima, Eric Cheng and others. *** Download RAW DNG samples (zip, 105MB) *** 4K footage from Zenmuse X5, Philip...

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